How do you know when a whistleblower remedy is effective? When it drives employers to avoid violations, and establish internal...
When whistleblowers win their cases, it is often years after they got fired. When a judge adds up all the...
Members of the House and Senate have been holed up on Capitol Hill all day negotiating the terms of the...
In the battle for the support of DC's newspapers, whistleblowers are winning 2-1. As we reported yesterday, the Washington Post...
Today the U.S. Supreme Court makes clear that workers are protected from retaliation when they provide information about unlawful discrimination,...
Protections Expanded to Workers Who Expose Safety Defects in Imported Consumer Products and Violations of the Consumer Products Safety Act...
The National Whistleblower Center is reporting success with their international training initiative. NWC President Stephen Kohn recently met with government leaders in...
As you know, Congress is about to vote on a bailout bill for the financial sector. Whether you support this...
Many of our readers (and certainly those who attended Whistleblower Week in Washington 2008) may have heard about the case of...
Although the House/Senate conference committee has yet to issue its official conference report, many news outlets are now reporting that...
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