Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for Whistleblower Network News

What We Are Looking For

We invite you to submit your articles and comments to Whistleblower Network News (WNN). To keep this news site enjoyable and exciting for all of our users, we ask that you follow the rules outlined below.

It is not the WNN’s practice nor function to heavily edit articles. However, the WNN reserves the right to modify or format the content of any documents submitted to WNN’s database as it deems appropriate, provided that the meaning of the work is not materially altered. WNN will use reasonable and professional discretion in exercising this right, and without the contributor’s prior or final approval. All submissions are subject to WNN’s Terms of Use posted at

By submitting content, you are consenting to these rules:

  1. You agree not to submit inappropriate content. Inappropriate content includes any content that:
    • infringes upon or violates the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any person
    • is libelous or defamatory
    • is obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or vulgar
    • violates a person’s right to privacy
    • violates any local, state, national, or international law
    • contains or advocates illegal or violent acts
    • degrades others based on gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other classification
    • is predatory, hateful, or intended to intimidate or harass, or contains derogatory name-calling
    • is a duplicate or repost of something you’ve already posted on the site
    • contains advertising
    • contains a solicitation of any kind
    • misrepresents your identity or affiliation
    • impersonates others
    • is in poor taste or is otherwise objectionable
  2. You agree that you are fully responsible for the content that you submit. You will promptly remove any content that you have posted should you discover that it violates these rules or that it is otherwise inappropriate. You will indemnify The WNN and its affiliates and their subsidiaries, and its and their directors, officers, managers, employees, shareholders, agents, and licensors, from and against losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any claim brought by any third party relating to content you have posted.
  3. You understand and agree that WNN is not responsible for any user-submitted content. You further understand that we have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor submissions and we may remove content that we deem inappropriate for any reason whatsoever without consent. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user’s privilege to post content on our site. We may reject or remove any comment at any time, with or without notice to you.
  4. You certify that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please do not submit any content to us.
  5. You agree that WNN has editorial control over what links are published on its website.
  6. You certify that you have the permission of others who have contributed to or are featured in any content that you submit. If there are any individuals under the age of 18 in any photos, video, or other material that you submit, you must obtain the permission of each such individual’s parent or legal guardian before submitting the content.
  7. You acknowledge and agree with any use and/or reliance on any information obtained from this website is at your own risk. We are not in any manner endorsing the content of third party submissions and cannot and will not vouch for its reliability.
  8. For any content that you submit, you permit us to use such content. Except as otherwise provided herein, You hereby grant to The WNN a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, exclusive, and fully sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, incorporate into other works, distribute, perform, display, and otherwise exploit such content, in whole or in part in any form, media or technology now known or later developed.
  9. WNN will not publish articles about the author’s personal legal matter and will not publish an article referring to a pending case if a contributor (or a member of the same firm) serves as counsel for the plaintiff or defendant in the pending litigation.
  10. The WNN will not post any material that constitutes an expressed solicitation for representation, publicity for an individual or organization, or any other commercial message.
  11. You have read and agree to abide by our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  12. Manuscript Requirements
    • Format –Articles for review should be submitted in Microsoft® Word format.
    • Length–Articles should be between 400-1000 words. Longer articles may be accepted under certain circumstances. It is generally recommended for a larger article that it be broken up into a series for improved readability.
    • Biography / Organization Description –Please submit a brief author biography and description of your organization to accompany your article.
    • Please submit the following information:
    • Full name of the author(s) (First Middle Last)
    • Contact information for the author(s), including e-mail address, phone number, and Website address
    • The organization’s Website address and main contact phone number
    • A brief description of the organization with whom the author is affiliated, running approximately 200-250 words.
    • NOTE: Each article can be accredited to only one organization.
  1. How to submit content. Send requests to submit content to

The Whistleblower Network News welcomes submissions of opinion articles for publication online. Submissions must be exclusive to us and are unlikely to be accepted if they are longer than 750 words. Please do not submit articles that have been published already elsewhere either in print or online – that includes on a Blog.

We do our best to read all articles sent to us promptly. We will endeavor to respond quickly.

When submitting an op-ed, the article should be included in the body of the e-mail. It should include a short headline and a tagline identifying the author(s). It should include contact information for the author(s), and at the bottom of the article a one-line bio for each author should be included. In the interest of transparency, the author must disclose any financial or lobbying relations he/she may have with the subjects raised. Please hyperlink all sourcing materials, such as facts, figures and quotations.

There are many factors that go into our decision to publish or not. Relevance and timeliness are obviously significant but so too are the quality of writing and the quality of thinking. Further, you may have submitted an excellent op-ed but we may have published something similar recently. When it comes to the newspaper, we may be going also for a blend of articles that could well affect our decision. Submissions may be edited for content, style and space.

Please avoid inundating us with follow-up e-mails or phone calls. You may republish an article we have posted online or published in the paper, but it must credit Whistleblower Network News and indicate that it was first published by us.

We accept letters by email to

What are the guidelines for letter submissions?

We prefer letters that are fewer than 200 words and take as their starting point an article or other item appearing on WNN. They may not have been submitted to, posted to or published by any other media. They must include the writer’s full name; anonymous letters and letters written under pseudonyms will not be considered. For verification purposes, they must also include the writer’s home address, email address and telephone numbers, including a daytime telephone number. Writers should disclose any personal or financial interest in the subject matter of their letters. If sending email, please put the text of the letter in the body and do not send attachments; attachments will not be read.

How are letters selected for publication?

WNN receives several letters each week. The letters editor looks for concise letters that offer a new perspective or add depth to the discussion of an issue.

Are letters edited?

Letters are edited for clarity, fact checked and sometimes trimmed to fit the space available in the newspaper. The opinions expressed are always the writer’s own. We confer with letter writers about editing to the extent that deadlines allow.

When will I hear about my letter?

We do our best to read all letters promptly. Because of the volume of submissions we receive, we are not able to respond to letters not chosen for publication. If you haven’t heard from a WNN staff member within two weeks, it’s safe to assume your letter won’t be published.

Thank you for your interest in reprinting an article from Whistleblower Network News!

Here are our simple guidelines:

All content and materials on Whistleblower Network News, such as articles, images, illustrations, posts, audio clips, or video clips, are protected by copyrights owned or licensed by Whistleblower Network News (WNN). With permission, articles can be reprinted at no charge by organizations, individuals, and publications that agree to the following:

  • Send us your request in writing. We will try to respond within 24 hours. Email your request to the WNN editor at
  • If e-newsletter or posting an article to a blog or listserv, only reprint a portion of the story and then direct readers to find the full story on our website at the URL for that article.
  • At the top (or near) the reprinted article, use the following or similar wording: “This article is reprinted with permission from Whistleblower Network News. Subscribe free by visiting
  • Include an attribution to the author of the article.
  • If wish to reprint the full article in a print publication, please email a PDF of the publication to the editor or mail two copies of it to: Editor, Whistleblower Network News
    1800 M Street, NW # 33888
    Washington, DC 20033
  • If you are including an article in your own e-newsletter or posting an article to a blog or listserv, please “copy” the link or post to the WNN editor.

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