Today, Ronald Birkenfeld, father of UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld, made a personal Thanksgiving Day appeal to President Barack Obama for...
The December 2010 issue of Scientific American, page 12, features my letter to them about the Protecting America's Workers Act...
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Staub v. Proctor Hospital. I don't know why I could not...
Lawyers for Matt Neumann and Nick Tides are currently finishing their last brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for...
A "key logger" is a computer program that keeps a record of every keystroke someone types on a computer. Hackers...
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on this question: Does the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protect employees...
In an editorial yesterday, the Charleston Gazette of West Virginia called on Congress to pass a law to modernize the...
In 2001, Eugene McErlean was working for the giant Allied Irish Banks (AIB) as an internal auditor. He discovered that...
The Philippine Daily Inquirer reports that the Philippine Bureau of Customs has filed charges that Oillink, an import company, cheated...
On behalf of the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC), David Colapinto and I filed a friend-of-the-court brief last week arguing that...
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