A news round-up. Looking at the efficacy of wildlife whistleblower programs A recent review of wildlife whistleblower reward programs demonstrates "that the current wildlife whistleblower laws are insufficient and are not fully functional,” according to a new report from the National...
On Wednesday morning, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a hearing on mass violence, extremism, and digital responsibility. The purpose of the hearing was to examine the proliferation of extremism online and examine the effectiveness of social media companies’ efforts to remove violent content from...
Facebook has "made little progress" in dealing with the problem of auto-generated pages for terror groups, according to reporting from The Associated Press. The story is a follow-up on an April report that concluded the pages "are aiding Middle East...
The New Yorker uses the publication of Edward Snowden’s new memoir as an opportunity to explore the state of whistleblowing. Jill Lepore offers this take on what it means that more insiders are coming forwards with evidence of wrongdoing. Whistle-blowing...
Whistleblowers would be protected and rewarded for exposing accounting misdeeds under a bill scheduled for a vote in the House this week. The bill would attach a whistleblower protection provision to rules governing the the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)...
Margot Robbie plays a fictional character in the upcoming movie about sexual harassment at Fox News. In the trailer for “Bombshell,” her co-workers glance at her as she heads to the elevator. Her hand shakes as she presses the button...
Melvin Goodwin makes that case on the lefty CounterPunch website. He notes that former FBI director Comey has been criticized for violating FBI guidelines. He was pilloried for his handling of Hillary Clinton’s violations of security practices as secretary of state,...
A news round-up The Atlantic Whistleblower helps reveal solitary confinement practices for detained immigrants. Contraband sugar packets, calling a border guard a “redneck,” menstruating on a prison uniform, kissing another detainee, identifying as gay, requesting an ankle brace—these are just...
Sen. Chuck Grassley believes the Department of Justice has moved to dismiss false claims cases without considering the merits or conducting cost-benefit analyses. In a September 4 letter to Attorney General William Barr, Grassley writes that he is concerned about...
A few of the talks from National Whistleblower Day. More here. https://youtu.be/SdLL7k5d4FI https://youtu.be/BW62s_TR7wo https://youtu.be/vUxGzDFCCho https://youtu.be/6bzmzsUkGqM
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