A recent report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) says what many whistleblower practitioners have long known: the Department of Labor's whistleblower program needs more resources and better quality. Investigators do not have the equipment, training, legal counsel or oversight...
Whistleblowers often complain about how they feel shunned at work. Who wants to endure the taunting and risk of retaliation that comes with hanging around a whistleblower? A recent decision from the Sixth Circuit federal Court of Appeals now makes...
Back in 1993, world renowned FBI scientist Dr. Frederic Whitehurst (pictured right) brought to light astonishing deficiencies and scientific fraud at the FBI Crime Lab. These allegations would lead to a massive reform of forensic science at the FBI. The FBI...
The National Whistleblowers Center, along other good government groups will be hosting the 2009 National Whistleblower Assembly from March 8-12. This event, which brings scores of public and private sector whistleblowers to Washington, DC, has been extremely successful in getting...
Back in 2003, Bunny Greenhouse blew the whistle on no-bid contracts to Halliburton that were doled out by the Bush Administration in the run-up to the Iraq War. Since then she has suffered her share of hardships, having been harassed...
As you know, we have been waging an intense campaign for new whistleblower protection laws. We have experienced recent victories and setbacks. And now, prominent whistleblowers like Bunny Greenhouse are calling us all to action. Throughout this campaign, our staff...
On February 19th DC fire investigators Greg Bowyer and Gerald Pennington filed a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit against the DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services ("DCFEMS") and Fire Chief Dennis Rubin in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. ...
On Wednesday, behind closed doors on Capitol Hill, House and Senate leaders hammered out a deal to pass the economic stimulus bill. Both the original House and Senate versions of this bill included protections for employee whistleblowers. By Wednesday evening,...
The Employee Rights Advocacy Institute For Law & Policy (The Institute), has received a grant from The Public Welfare Foundation for a research project on public opinions about issues affecting America's workers. The "Project to Assess Public Support for Stronger...
When whistleblowers win their cases, it is often years after they got fired. When a judge adds up all the years of back pay, the whistleblower will then have to pay taxes from a higher tax bracket. Whistleblowers can end...
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