New intelligence community whistleblower protections lacking On July 7, 2014, President Obama signed the “Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014.” This bill includes a section providing “Protection Of Intelligence Community Whistleblowers.” These protections specify that employees who divulge information...
Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Wyden issued the following press statement today in regard to the National Intelligence Agency’s plans to implement continuous monitoring of security clearance holders and it's impact on whistleblowers who communicate with members of Congress: Grassley,...
Stephen Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblower Center, joined Chuck Todd to discuss Brian Williams’ extensive interview with NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and the various legal challenges that the former NSA contractor faces. Click link below to watch the...
Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, who blew the whistle on misconduct in the FBI Crime Lab, is featured in a short video by the Moral Courage Project. Dr. Whitehurst was the first successful FBI whistleblower. His case exposed forensic fraud in the...
Michael Kohn exclusive RT TV interview on President Obama's NSA Speech
President Obama needs to recognizes the critical and essential role whistleblowers play in keeping us safe.
Hundreds of Thousands" of Federal Employees Lose Civil Service Rights
Stephen Kohn discusses the military court's decision to refuse to find Bradley Manning guilty of "aiding the enemy. He also discusses federal laws that cover whistleblowers.
National Whistleblowers Center Issues Statement on Manning Verdict
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