As was widely expected, the FCA Corrections Act was quickly approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, and will now...
I attended the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this morning on the False Claims Act Correction Act of 2007. Senators Leahy,...
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing this Wednesday on the False Claims Correction Act of 2007,...
On January 25, 2008, The DOJ issued it's responses to questions posed to former AG Gonzales by the Senate Judiciary...
Briefs were filed yesterday in the Supreme Court case Allison Engine Co., Inc. v. United States ex rel. Sanders (Docket...
This February 5th is being called "Tsunami Tuesday" as many of the big states line up for primary elections to...
For all those interested, the IRS has issued new guidance for claimants under the IRS whistleblower law. They are seeking public...
Another big legislative announcement! We received word today that the False Claims Act Amendments Act of 2007 has been introduced...
I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the False Claims Act is supposed to be a...
Warning regarding litigation under the False Claims Act The False Claims Act has one of the strongest whistleblower protection provisions...
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