The Wall Street Journal is reporting today on the hurdles that whistleblowers face when they provide tips about financial fraud...
The Wham-O company, maker of the Frisbee, is arguing to a federal appeals court that a qui tam provision in...
Marty Bair was a senior supervisor for Wackenhut in Miami, Florida, when he blew the whistle on how the company...
My client Dr. David Lewis has written an essay about a disappointing outcome of his qui tam whistleblower lawsuit. It...
CNBC released a story yesterday about the qui tam provisions of the new Dodd-Frank Act, the financial reform law. They...
Assistant Attorney General Tony West confirmed that the U.S. Department of Justice was "considering all avenues of redress against the...
On Friday, July 23, 2010, the National Whistleblower Center (NWC) hosted a seminar on the False Claims Act that included...
Last month, we posted here our letter to the U.S. Department of Justice calling on them to exercise their power...
The curriculum for our upcoming seminar titled "Integrating the False Claims Act into Your Law Practice" has been updated to...
President Obama is scheduled to sign the Dodd-Frank Act tomorrow to enact the most significant reforms of our financial system...
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