Washington, D.C. June 27, 2014. Today the D.C. Circuit court issued a decision in the case of In re: Kellogg Brown...
Washington, D.C. May 8, 2014. Yesterday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held oral arguments in the...
Washington Post Reports: Largest DOD contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan gags employees from reporting fraud. Employees who witness fraud threatened with...
This week the Department of Justice issued a series of press releases announcing settlements in several cases under the False...
The National Whistleblowers Center recently updated its False Claim Acts: Federal, State and Municipal Qui Tam Laws publication. This publication...
During the 2013 fiscal year, the Justice Department secured $3.8 billion in settlements and judgments from civil cases under the...
GE Hitachi agreed to pay $2.7 million to resolve FCA allegations that it made false statements to the DOE and...
West Virginia's Proposed False Claims Act under Attack by Chamber of Commerce
National Whistleblower Center released a new report on the importance of the False Claims Act which rebuts the Chamber of...
NWC Releases New Report on Importance of False Claims Act Rebuts Chamber of Commerce Proposals
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