WNN Exclusive Interview: FBI Whistleblowers Kurt Siuzdak & Frederic Whitehurst
Whistleblower of the Week podcast is back for Season 3! In this episode WNN's Jane Turner speaks to FBI whistleblowers ...
Whistleblower of the Week podcast is back for Season 3! In this episode WNN's Jane Turner speaks to FBI whistleblowers ...
In this episode, Jane talks with FBI forensic laboratory whistleblower Frederic Whitehurst. Whitehurst, a veteran and accomplished FBI agent, earned ...
Frederic Whitehurst is a warrior. He fought in Vietnam, and he fought the United States government, establishing himself as the ...
When Dr. Frederic Whitehurst initially blew the whistle on the systemic forensic fraud in the FBI crime lab, he could ...
Dr. Whitehurst uncovered systemic problems in the FBI Crime Lab in the early 1990s. What he discovered is remarkable--and unsettling. ...
I find it amazing when I look over these past seventeen years of having been involved with the National Whistleblowers ...
Fred Whitehurst is the whistleblower who revealed that the crime lab at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) failed to ...
FBI whistleblower Fred Whitehurst and an attorney for federal managers, Bill Bransford, spoke with Federal News Radio yesterday. They presented ...
Back in 1993, world renowned FBI scientist Dr. Frederic Whitehurst (pictured right) brought to light astonishing deficiencies and scientific fraud at ...
It is time for President Trump to honor the history and contributions of whistleblowers who have made this a better ...
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