Those lucky enough to get a summer vacation at the beach or in the mountains should know that whistleblowers play a role in protecting the beautiful places we visit. A cruise ship engineer reported illegal dumping. A federal environmental analyst...
The Washington Post has been running a series of stories on problems with forensic science. Radley Balko, a Post opinion writer focusing on civil liberties and the criminal-justice system, explains. In covering these issues, I have found that there are...
Whistleblowers are playing a key role in revealing Medicare kickback schemes disguised as so-called patient assistance programs. In April, five separate pharmaceutical companies paid a total of $247 million for running such programs. This week, a new qui tam suit was...
The online news site The Intercept offers a thorough piece looking at how the federal government follows digital and paper trails to identify anonymous whistleblowers in their midst.The folks over at the Intercept should know. The source of one of...
A round up of whistleblower news. Whistleblower rewarded for exposing security flaws. From The New York Times The government said the video surveillance software it bought from Cisco was “of no value” because it did not “meet its primary purpose:...
Joe Davidson, who writes about the federal government for The Washington Post, points out that there are a lot of so-called appreciation days. There’s Houseplant Appreciation Day in January, Truck Driver Appreciation Week in September and National Nurses Week in May,...
National Whistleblower Day is over, but the tweets from NWC continue.
Note: To hear from whistleblowers themselves, tune into the National Whistleblower Day event on Tuesday. The National Physicians Malpractice Database is supposed to protect patients. Now, one Vermont whistleblower says it is being used to punish her for filing a...
This year’s National Whistleblower Day event will be Tuesday, July 30. It will be broadcast live from Capitol Hill via Facebook. If you are going to blow the whistle, do it right, says Stephen M. Kohn, chair of National Whistleblower...
Bulletproof vests that don’t work. Russian money laundering. US tax cheats with Swiss bank accounts. No-bid, sweetheart government contracts. Once a year, whistleblowers and their supporters gather to remind each other why they risked so much to expose wrongdoing. This...
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