Search .edu sites for “whistleblower” and you get links to whistleblower reporting offices at universities. Search the academic literature and a robust body of whistleblower scholarship emerges. For academics who want to add whistleblowing into their teaching, an Irish research...
While working as a translator for the a British spy agency, Katherine Gun leaked a government memo to the press. In doing so, she violated the country's Official Secrets Act. The memo detailed a request for damaging information the UK...
After losing a round in state Supreme Court, the Idaho State Police has reached a $1.3 million settlement with a whistleblower. From the Idaho Press: Idaho State Police It’s been almost four-and-a-half years since Brandon Eller, one of the state...
The AARP calls Medicare’s coverage of medical devices “a boon to beneficiaries but also a big draw for fraudsters, who exploit older Americans’ health care concerns to enrich themselves.” This week’s Modern Healthcare offers a piece that argues a recent...
A guest post and photos by Katarzyna Nowak. Nowak, a fellow at The Safina Center in New York, describes herself as a "wildlife conservation practitioner aspiring to bridge the science-policy-society interface." The zone north of 60 degrees latitude receives relatively little attention in the...
NOTE: Tune into the Federal News Network for a discussion on the importance of whistleblower protection taped on Friday August 23. Host Debra Roth sits down with Tom Devine, Legal Director of the Government Accountability Project; John Kostyack, Executive Director of the...
Big companies cooking the books seems to be a theme in the news this week, with the latest accusations coming from a former Disney employee. Sandra Kuba tells MarketWatch she has filed information with the Securities and Exchange Commission alleging the...
How bad is it at the Veteran's Affair’s (VA) Whistleblower Protection Office? Former VA whistleblower Brandon Coleman took a job with the program in 2017. But, instead of helping other whistleblowers, he is now speaking out about the program's failures....
Whistleblowers worldwide pay a high price for exposing fraud and abuse. They are especially vulnerable in with counties with institutionalized corruption no rule of law. But, the demand for whistleblower protection is growing worldwide. Click here or the map for...
Over at The Government Accountability Project, they use the upcoming film “Official Secrets” to talk about potential national security whistleblower missteps. The film, which opens at the end of August, tells the tale of British intelligence translator Katharine Gun. In 2003,...
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