Yesterday the House Judiciary Committee approved legislation to amend the False Claims Act, sending the measure along to be voted on by the full House of Representatives. Companion legislation (S.2041) was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee in April. The...
Today, the National Whistleblower Center issued an urgent action alert, requesting that all whistleblower supporters email and/or call their Senators and Representatives, urging them to support whistleblower protections in the Consumer Product Safety Commission reform legislation. The CPSC reform is...
If you do the math on a Washington Post story yesterday it turns out the paper reported on what amounts to 225 scandals. The Justice Department told the Post there is a backlog of approximately 900 False Claims Act cases,...
On June 12, 2008, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of a FOIA requester in Taylor v. Sturgell (No. 07-371), reversing the D.C. Circuit’s decision denying a FOIA requester access to documents on the grounds of issue preclusion. The...
Today the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Allision Engine Co., Inc., Et Al. v. United States Ex Rel. Sanders Et Al. After a quick read of this decision, it is evident that Congress should pass the False Claims...
Whistleblower advocates are still fighting for amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act. Today's Washington Post contains a writeup of the groups' latest efforts to move the legislation, which has, for months, been stalled in conference committee.
The U.S. Tax Court has proposed new rules for determining whistleblower awards under section 7623 of the U.S. Tax Code. As reported on WebCPA... Among the proposed changes are references to actions for re-determination of employment status, determination of relief...
Last week on "This American Life," Chicago Public Radio's overwhelmingly popular radio show, thousands of listeners heard the riveting story of DOJ whistleblower Rick Convertino. Mr. Convertino is a former top United States Prosecutor who successfully prosecuted the first terrorist...
David Welch, the first corporate employee to file for protection under the whistleblower provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was in court today. nearly 7 years after filing his first complaint, Mr. Welch is still battling his former employer and...
A few weeks ago I posted a story about a University of Nevada (Reno) professor who was fired after blowing the whistle on animal abuse occuring in campus laboratories. Now a group of demonstrators is protesting the decision, made by UNR president...
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