In September, as Congress was racing to put together the Wall Street bailout legislation, the National Whistleblower Center was calling for whistleblower protections to be added to the bill. Despite their efforts, Congress did not listen. They authorized the Administration...
Protections Expanded to Workers Who Expose Safety Defects in Imported Consumer Products and Violations of the Consumer Products Safety Act and the Hazardous Substances Acts Washington, D.C. November 8, 2008. The National Whistleblower Center is sponsoring the first training...
An Ohio court of appeals has issued an extraordinary writ, requiring a state judge to proceed with a whistleblower's wrongful termination case. The Court of Appeals for Stark County, Ohio (part of the Fifth Appellate District in Ohio) issued the...
On November 21 the National Whistleblowers Center will be holding an attorney training seminar at the historic Willard Hotel in Washington, DC. This full-day seminar will focus on America's newest whistleblower laws which were passed as part of the Consumer Product Safety...
Senator Barack Obama won the presidential election this week running as the candidate for change. The change he promised included bringing transparency and accountability back into the federal government. During the past year, we have watched President-Elect Obama use his...
This morning, the AP released a story detailing the failure of the Department of Defense Inspector General's (DoD IG) office to perform it's two essential functions: (a) protect military whistleblowers and (b)investigate their claims. As one whistleblower in the story says: "They are supposed...
The National Whistleblower Center is reporting success with their international training initiative. NWC President Stephen Kohn recently met with government leaders in Hungary, and as a direct result, their Justice Minister has announced a new initiative to develop effective whistleblower protections for their workers.
It has become apparent that Scott Bloch, head of the Office of Special Counsel, was fired by the Bush Administration. This decision comes more than five months after Bloch became the target of an federal obstruction of justice probe. Bloch's tenure has been a...
UPDATE: The Washington Post is now reporting the Scott Bloch has resigned, effective yesterday, after a meeting with White House officials. The Post is covering the Bloch resignation HERE and HERE Click here to view Bloch's resignation letter. UPDATE: GOVEXEC.COM...
The African-American Environmentalist blog has reported on discussions suggesting that Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo might be a pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Dr. Coleman-Adebayo joined the EPA as an African affairs specialist in 1990. She has 18 years...
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