Members of the House and Senate have been holed up on Capitol Hill all day negotiating the terms of the President's economic stimulus package. Earlier today, we learned that the whistleblower protection provisions in the bill were in danger. While...
David Welch, known for being the first Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) whistleblower to have a hearing before the U.S. Department of Labor, is conducting a survey of all whistleblowers. He will use his survey as part of his dissertation. His doctoral dissertation...
I am happy to say that we have received another significant endorsement for federal employee whistleblower protections. The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association has issued a statement in support of the Whistleblower provisions passed by the House of Representatives in...
If you haven't noticed, we have been really focused on passing stronger whistleblower laws in the economic stimulus bill. We had a major success when the bill passed the House of Representatives, and now we are moving on to the...
In the battle for the support of DC's newspapers, whistleblowers are winning 2-1. As we reported yesterday, the Washington Post has come out against the comprehensive whistleblower protection provisions included in the economic stimulus package passed by the House of...
Howard Zinn, a board member of the National Whistleblowers Center and the famed historian and author of A People's History of the United States, spoke tonight at Busboys and Poets in Washington, DC. I was in a crowd of over...
The Washington Independent published an article addressing the lack of protection offered to whistleblowers in the stimulus bill. The article quoted Stephen Kohn, who states: "The biggest defect in the current language in the House and Senate versions, is about blowing the whistle...
Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi issued a press release expressing her support for the whistleblower amendment to the stimulus bill. Speaker Pelosi stated that "It is inconceivable that the people’s business had been conducted for so long without ‘whistleblower’ protections...
Just minutes ago the House of Representatives approved the Platts-Van Hollen amendment to the stimulus package granting whistleblower protection to federal employees and contractors. Thanks to your action, House members recognized the critical role whistleblowers play in oversight and accountability...
The U.S. Supreme Court has granted a writ of certiorari in the case of Eisenstein v. New York. Eisenstein is a qui tam action brought by municipal employees in New York City. The complaint makes a rather unique argument, alleging that...
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