In 2003, John Kopchinski was earning $125,000 a year selling the drug Bextra for Pfizer. He had a baby son, and his wife was pregnant with twins. The Gulf War veteran says that, "In the Army, I was expected to...
XII: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WHITE HOUSE? The bottom line is that President Obama did promise, on numerous occasions, to support whistleblowers. He did specifically endorse the framework for protection set forth in the House bill.
On the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley has issued a call to action for the White House and Congress to pass effective legislation protecting national security whistleblowers.
The Open Society Institute National Security Human Rights Campaign is sponsoring an event on September 15th entitled, "Whistle-blowers: A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg and John Dean." The event celebrates the U.S. premiere of the feature documentary, "The Most Dangerous Man...
XI: IS FILING A NATIONAL SECURITY WHISTLEBLOWER CASE UNDER S. 372 MALPRACTICE PER SE? Simply wasting many years and thousands of dollars in a new bureaucracy that Franz Kafka would have marveled at is not enough unto itself to say...
By keeping a promise, Mr. Obama by happenstance found his voice in the primaries and his campaign was re-energized all the way to the White House after adopting that chant. It is now time for Mr. Obama to keep another...
Ms. Greenhouse, concerned about the provisions included in the Senate bill, wrote a letter urging the Senate and the White House to "stop paying lip service to strong whistleblower protection for federal employees."
X: IF IN DOUBT - THROW OUT THE CASE! Buried at the very end of the national security whistleblower section of S. 372 is a grant of unprecedented power to the directors of the FBI, CIA, NSA and every other...
X: DUE PROCESS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY WHISTLEBLOWERS? The national security whistleblower protection sections of S. 372 are a bad joke. They completely undermine any semblance of whistleblower rights, and ensure that no national security worker will ever prevail in a...
VIII: WHAT HAPPENS TO NATIONAL SECURITY WHISTLEBLOWERS? National security whistleblowers are the biggest losers in S. 372. The Senate Homeland Security approved a bill that, if enacted, would seriously undercut national security whistleblower rights and set terrible precedent. It would...
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