The Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO and the DC Labor Film Festival last night hosted an area premiere showing of Michael Moore's new film, Capitalism: A Love Story. In the film, Moore skillfully juxtaposes modern American ideas of capitalism against traditional...
The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board (ARB) has issued a decision reversing a recommended decision of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The decision finds that nuclear whistleblower James Speegle is entitled to statutory remedies for Stone & Webster's 2004...
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports today that county legislators for Monroe County, New York, have proposed new whistleblower protections. The article says that Monroe County was rocked this year by a contracting scandal in which eight employees of one...
The first ever Whistleblower Film Festival is opening this Thursday, October 1, 2009, 6:30 pm at the Capitol Visitors Center; 1st Street and East Capitol Street, NE. The first film will be The Pentagon Wars. The film is free and...
In response to the many requests from our Attorney Referral Service (ARS) members and non-members looking for advice on whistleblower protection cases, the National Whistleblower Legal Defense & Education Fund will hold a two-hour telephone conference call on Wednesday September...
Even federal agencies use independent contractors and skirt the protections provided to "employees." This month, a federal judge in Washington, DC, held that a former translator can sue the Voice of America officials who terminated her contract after she made...
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) reports that it has filed briefs for Robert McCarthy, the former General Counsel for the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC). PEER says that USIBWC fired McCarthy on July 31, 2009...
Transparency International (TI) today released its 2009 Global Corruption Report: Corruption and the Private Sector (GCR). TI finds that one out of five business executives report that they received a solicitation for a bribe. An equal number report that they...
On September 14, 2009, the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague ordered Florence Hartmann to pay a fine of 7,000 Euros for violating the court's confidentiality pledge. Florence Hartmann, a former journalist for the French...
WCNC television news released a story last week about BB&T bank whistleblower Amy Stroupe. While working as an investigator for the bank, she uncovered a $20 million ponzi scheme. A bank official and some developers used a phony land development...
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