Whistleblowers Australia (WBA), an association of whistleblowers in Australia, will host 2009 National Conference and annual general meeting at Aquinas College of the University of Adelaide from December 5-6, 2009. The conference theme is “blowing the whistle in the workplace.”...
Tomorrow, October 15th, The DC Labor Film Festival’s Whistleblower Film Series continues with a screening of Silkwood. The film is sponsored by the National Whistleblowers Center and recounts the true story of Karen Silkwood, the gutsy plutonium factory worker who...
Thompson, Tuck, “Police whistleblower sent home, told to see psychiatrist, Couriermail.com.au, October 12, 2009. A veteran officer who has exposed cronyism and corruption in the police force has been ordered off work even though his doctor says he is fit...
In the United Kingdom, a former investigator of the Royal Military Police (RMP), speaking anonymously, alleges that Senior British army commanders in Iraq refused to investigate Iraqi civilian abuse claims. According to BBC News on October 11th, the whistleblower claims...
The Whistleblower Film Festival has made a change for this Thursday's presentation. On October 8, 2009, Public Citizen will present The Whistleblower, a documentary about Charles "Chuck" Hamel, the management consultant who blew the whistle on big oil in Alaska....
The full Senate voted 68-30 to adopt an amendment proposed by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN). The Franken Amendment to the Defense Appropriation bill will prohibit contractors or subcontractors from requiring their employees to resolve Title VII and sexual assault tort...
The Associated Press reports that since Congress beefed up the rewards for tax whistleblowers late in 2006, the number of big money tips coming to the IRS has jumped from 116 in 2007 to 1,246 last year. "The tax code...
As Richard Renner wrote in the previous post, Transparency International (TI) just released their “Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector (GCR).” In it, more than 75 experts examine a wide range of corruption issues around the world. ...
The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) is benefiting from a fine group of interns this Fall. Standing are Yongjin, Christina, Tommy, Meryl, Erin, Laraib and Jonathon. Seated are Katya, Adam, Lindsay, Karen and Phil. Not pictured: Jason. Thank you all for...
The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals reinstated a Sarbanes-Oxley case and made some helpful comments about SOX. In a decision issued last month, the Court reversed a dismissal by a Nevada magistrate judge and sent the case back so...
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