Two letters to the editor printed in today's Washington Post reminded me of a meeting I attended in May of the FAA Whistleblowers Alliance. One of today's letters was from the Potomac TRACON local of the National Air Traffic Controllers...
My client, Dr. David L. Lewis, was a top microbiologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He raised the standards for dental hygiene worldwide when he showed how previous practices were inadequate to protect dental patients from the transmission...
I just had a delightful visit this morning from the Peace Warriors. They are a group of middle and high school students from the Southeast neighborhood of Washington, DC. They are spending the summer learning about how individuals can make...
The Jamaica Gleaner News is reporting that parliamentarians pushing a new whistleblower protection are facing opposition. The majority's latest draft of the proposed bill will protect whistleblowers only if they have made their disclosures through certain official channels. If any...
I find it amazing when I look over these past seventeen years of having been involved with the National Whistleblowers Center and the law firm of Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto that we have not moved so much further ahead in...
Last month, CNN's Special Investigations Unit released a story about Bobby Maxwell's experience as an inspector for the U.S. Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service (MMS). The main point of the story is how MMS was infused with a "culture...
Sen. Charles Grassley today released copies of his letters to 16 big pharmaceutical companies about their whistleblower policies. Bloomberg news service is also reporting on these inquiries. The letters review Sen. Grassley's efforts to strengthen the False Claims Act (FCA),...
The Washington Post is running a story today by David Hilzenrath on page A11 called, "Change in IRS rules could block rewards for whistleblowers." The story focuses on a manual by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) called the Internal Revenue...
The New York Times reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has agreed to pay $755,000 to settle a whistleblower claim by its former attorney Gary Aguirre. Aguirre had been investigating insider trading by Pequot Capital Management and its...
Budi Suharto (right in photo) visited me at the National Whistleblowers Center today. Mr. Suharto is the Head of Bilateral Cooperation II Section of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. We discussed how in both the United...
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