House and Senate leaders are in "conference" right now debating whether or not employees in the Public Health Service (PHS)...
Today, the New York City Council will vote on three whistleblower laws. I had the opportunity to testify about these...
Yesterday, the Missouri House of Representatives passed a bill called the "Whistleblower's Protection Act," H.B. 2099. This bill is actually...
On January 23, 2012, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a final regulation that reflects a 1996 law making payments...
Representatives John Lewis (D-GA) and James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced the Civil Rights Tax Relief Act in 2009. This bill would...
On Thursday the House Oversight Committee marked up the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. Similar bills have been passed during the...
Forced arbitration is when employees faced with an issue at work are forced to have an arbitration instead of being...
Privacy Act Protections for Whistleblowers At Risk On Tuesday, October 4, 2011, the National Whistleblower Center filed a friend of...
A grand jury report released Monday, July 11th, found that San Francisco’s whistleblower program is riddled with shortcomings. The whistleblower...
Yesterday, Senator Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) introduced the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2011 (WPEA), S. 743. Stephen M. Kohn, Executive...
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