Blueprint for Free Speech has announced their Whistleblower Prize winners for 2024, honoring one whistleblower from Europe, German pharmacist Robert Herold, for blowing the whistle on Germany’s “Cancer Cartel.” In Germany, the provision of Chemotherapy is worth 5 billion Euros...
On December 12, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Oroville Hospital agreed to pay $10.25 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act.
On August 8, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced that it ordered FTX Trading Ltd. and Alameda Research LLC (together, FTX) to pay $12.7 billion in monetary relief to FTX customers and victims of FTX’s fraud. This is one...
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) intervened in a case filed under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act. According to the press release, several individuals and entities are included in the DOJ’s complaint, which makes...
It’s the kind of public redemption that does not happen nearly enough, but one that may become more commonplace as respect and admiration for whistleblowers continue to grow. Gjorgji Lazarevski and Zvonko Kostovski, the former Macedonian intelligence officials who exposed...
"I think my life is worth a little bit more than just $1 a pill."
Listen to Jane Turner interview whistleblower Frank Serpico, who blew the whistle on corruption in the NYPD in the 1960s and 70s.
Two months into his first term, President Biden has yet to announce any nominees to fill the numerous inspector general (IG) vacancies across the federal government. There are currently thirteen IG positions awaiting presidential nominees. These include the Department of...
Update: A summary of the webinar as well as video of the event are available here. On December 14, 2020, Whistleblower Network News (WNN) will host a free webinar on how whistleblowers and journalists can use the Freedom of Information...
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