Today is National Whistleblower Appreciation Day. On this day in 1778 the Continental Congress passed what very well could be the world’s first whistleblower law. Our revolutionary forefathers, when they learned that two whistleblowers that had exposed misconduct by the...
Last year the U.S. Senate declared July 30, 2013 as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day." "In honor of ‘National Whistleblower Appreciation Day' we call upon the President of the United States, and every public institution in the United States, to publicly...
Yesterday, by an unanimous resolution the U.S. Senate has declared July 30, 2013 as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day."
Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) introduced a resolution into the U.S. Senate calling for July 30, 2013 to be celebrated as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day."
The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) will participate in the upcoming Whistleblower Summit which will be held July 29, 2013 through July 31, 2013, in Washington, D.C.
This year, as you are deciding what to give your loved ones, friends, and colleagues for the holidays, why not choose to give something interesting and useful? One of the most powerful gifts you can give is knowledge. The Whistleblower's...
On July 25, 2011, one of the nation's leading whistleblower attorneys, Stephen M. Kohn, will share compelling insights from his newly-released book, The Whistleblower's Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing What's Right and Protecting Yourself at the Mid-Manhattan New York...
Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC), published an op-ed article in today's New York Times.The article tells the story of Captain John Grannis, and nine other sailors of the Continental Navy. The full story is...
Yesterday concluded the 2010 National Whistleblower Assembly. Staff from the National Whistleblowers Center participated in a number of panels on major issues facing the whistleblower community.
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