Letter to the Editor

We accept letters by email to letters@whistleblowernews.com

What are the guidelines for letter submissions?

We prefer letters that are fewer than 200 words and take as their starting point an article or other item appearing on WNN. They may not have been submitted to, posted to or published by any other media. They must include the writer’s full name; anonymous letters and letters written under pseudonyms will not be considered. For verification purposes, they must also include the writer’s home address, email address and telephone numbers, including a daytime telephone number. Writers should disclose any personal or financial interest in the subject matter of their letters. If sending email, please put the text of the letter in the body and do not send attachments; attachments will not be read.

How are letters selected for publication?

WNN receives several letters each week. The letters editor looks for concise letters that offer a new perspective or add depth to the discussion of an issue.

Are letters edited?

Letters are edited for clarity, fact checked and sometimes trimmed to fit the space available in the newspaper. The opinions expressed are always the writer’s own. We confer with letter writers about editing to the extent that deadlines allow.

When will I hear about my letter?

We do our best to read all letters promptly. Because of the volume of submissions we receive, we are not able to respond to letters not chosen for publication. If you haven’t heard from a WNN staff member within two weeks, it’s safe to assume your letter won’t be published.

Write a Letter to The Editor.

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