-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Whistleblower Protection Blog is proud to present an ongoing series of blog posts by FBI whistleblower Jane Turner....
What Federal laws protect whistleblowers who report corporate fraud? In 2002, Congress passed the historic Sarbanes-Oxley Act which protects employees...
What Federal Laws Protect Environmental Whistleblowers? Seven major federal environmental laws (Clean Air, Toxic Substances, Clean Water, Atomic Energy, Solid...
What Federal Laws Protect Nuclear Whistleblowers? Whistleblowers in the nuclear power and nuclear weapons industries are specifically protected under section...
What is the Freedom of Information Act? FOIA, also known as 5 U.S.C. 522, was passed in 1966 and amended...
Warning regarding litigation under the False Claims Act The False Claims Act has one of the strongest whistleblower protection provisions...
What laws cover the alleged retaliation? The first step in reviewing a whistleblower claim is to determine what statutes or...
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