Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is taking another swing at passing crucial amendments to the False Claims Act that would solve...
Two home-based healthcare service providers, U.S. Medical Management, LLC (USMM) and VPA, P.C. (VPA) settled whistleblower claims that they submitted...
Generic pharmaceutical manufacturers, Taro Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Sandoz Inc. and Apotex Corporation, will pay $447.2 million to settle allegations that...
A Georgia-based genetic testing laboratory has agreed to pay up to $200,000 to resolve whistleblower claims that they paid kickbacks...
New Jersey-based Home Health Agency Operator BAYADA has agreed to pay $17 million to resolve whistleblower allegations of false claims...
A group of South Carolina healthcare providers, laboratories, and testing facilities all owned or managed by chiropractor Daniel McCollum will...
Carenow Services, LLC, a Roswell, Georgia-based psychotherapy services provider and its CEO Leena Karun, have settled whistleblower allegations that they...
Skilled nursing facility Norridge Gardens, located in Norridge, IL, has agreed to pay $360,000 to resolve whistleblower allegations that they...
A Michigan-based hospital system has agreed to pay $2.8 million to resolve whistleblower allegations that they submitted false claims for...
In an August 16 article for The National Law Review, leading whistleblower attorney Stephen M. Kohn describes how pharmaceutical lobbyists...
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