Ruqiayah Madany and John Collins’ 2009 qui tam whistleblower lawsuit has led to Dr. Victor Savinov agreeing to pay $50,000...
A qui tam whistleblower lawsuit filed by Veronica N. Arven and the estate of Theodore Arven III in 2019 alleged...
On November 9, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc. will pay $3 million to...
Amanda Long, a former Vice President of Product Management at Modernizing Medicine Inc. (ModMed), filed a qui tam, or whistleblower,...
On October 25 and 26, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced two settlements that stemmed from qui tam, or...
For-profit home health provider Carter Healthcare LLC, along with its affiliates CHC Holdings and Carter-Florida (collectively Carter Healthcare), their President...
BVK, Inc., a public relations firm, will pay $2.25 million to settle allegations that it wrongfully received a second loan...
Boston-based Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) will pay $2.5 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act....
Michael Bawduniak worked for Biogen, a Massachusetts-based pharmaceutical company. In April 2012, Bawduniak filed a qui tam lawsuit against Biogen:...
September 22 saw the first settlement of its kind: a qui tam False Claims Act case related to a Paycheck...
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