The initial premise of the new Will Farrell and Mark Wahlberg movie is that when the real action hero cops...
60 minutes will re-air their piece on UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld tonight. Please tune in to watch at 7:00 pm EST...
The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board (ARB) has released eleven (11) decisions issued in July, four (4) of which...
Last week, the California Supreme Court issued a blunt decision decrying the way that employers and too many lower court...
The Ethics Resource Center has just released a report from its 2009 National Business Ethics Survey. The report, called "Retaliation:...
These provisions are designed to encourage private employees to report fraud. However, for all the good provisions in the bill,...
According to Reuters, whistleblower, Ralph Fabiano, sued German pharmaceutical manufacturing company, BAYER AG. Fabiano alleges that he was terminated from...
The Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals issued a decision this week that local government officials can be held liable...
This week, the Legal Intelligencer reports on how some employers are routinely investigating the social network sites (SNSs) of employees...
CNBC released a story yesterday about the qui tam provisions of the new Dodd-Frank Act, the financial reform law. They...
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