Whistleblowing Celebrated as an American Tradition at National Whistleblower Day

July 30 was National Whistleblower Day and whistleblowers, advocates and government officials gathered on Capitol Hill to celebrate. The National Whistleblower Day event (available to rewatch on C-SPAN) highlighted the contributions and sacrifices of whistleblowers and underscored the importance of continuing the deep American tradition of supporting whistleblowers.

During his speech, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), touched on this tradition of whistleblowing:

“Dating back to the Revolutionary War, as I just told you, the first whistleblowers reported fraud and misconduct,” Senator Grassley said. “Our Founding Fathers knew the importance of rooting out waste, fraud and abuse. As I stand here today in July 2024 – a long way’s away from the Revolutionary War – the same sentiment remains and must remain.”

Siri Turner, Executive Director of National Whistleblower Center, began the event by speaking to the importance of such a wide range of government agencies and civil society organizations coming together to celebrate whistleblowers.

“Our solidarity with whistleblowers and with each other is the powerful ode to our shared reverence for the sacrifices that whistleblowers go through and our shared commitment to fight against corruption and wrongdoing everywhere,” said Turner.

Throughout the event, moderators FBI whistleblower Jane Turner and Army Corps of Engineers whistleblower Toni Savage took time to recognize each of the dozens of whistleblowers in attendance at the event, explaining what they blew the whistle on and thanking them for their bravery.

Notable whistleblowers, including Boeing whistleblower Ed Pierson, law enforcement whistleblower Austin Handle and ExxonMobil whistleblower Lindsey Gulden also delivered remarks, speaking about the challenges of their whistleblower journeys and the importance of support by family and friends, whistleblower attorneys, whistleblower organizations and government agencies.

Other highlights include:

To watch the full National Whistleblower Day event visit: Lawmakers & Federal Officials Commemorate Nat’l Whistleblower Day | C-SPAN.org

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