OSC Pushes Congress to Permanently Recognize National Whistleblower Day

National Whistleblower Day

On June 20, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) announced it is advocating for July 30 to be permanently recognized as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day. In a letter to congressional leaders, Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger calls for making this recognition permanent.

“The establishment of a permanent Whistleblower Appreciation Day reinforces the longstanding bipartisan consensus that whistleblowers serve an invaluable role in our government,” Dellinger said. “By dedicating a day to these brave public servants, we not only honor the contributions of current whistleblowers, but we show potential whistleblowers that their sacrifices will not go unnoticed or unappreciated. And we make clear that retaliation against a whistleblower will not be tolerated.”

Dellinger reiterates the OSC’s unwavering commitment to upholding the rights of federal employee whistleblowers. He emphasizes the importance of establishing this day to bolster the longstanding consensus that whistleblowers are a cornerstone of U.S. government. Dellinger affirms that the OSC will play its part by “requiring all agencies participating in our 5 U.S.C. 2302(c) Certification Program to promote NWAD as part of their annual re-certification.” The Certification Program is a crucial tool in ensuring that employees are informed of their whistleblower rights and protections.

July 30 commemorates the historic passage of America’s first whistleblower law by the U.S. Continental Congress in 1778. It honors whistleblowers’ contributions, celebrating their bravery and heroism. The U.S. Senate has consistently passed resolutions recognizing July 30 as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day for the past decade.

“The OSC’s letter is extremely significant,” says whistleblower attorney Stephen M. Kohn, who uncovered the history of the 1778 whistleblower law. “Since 2013 the Senate Whistleblower Caucus, led by Senators Grassley and Wyden, has urged all federal agencies to take firm steps to acknowledge the importance of the Founder’s actions supporting whistleblowers. The OSC is putting real teeth behind the Senate’s resolutions, and showing leadership on this issue.”

The OSC claims that National Whistleblower Appreciation Day’s primary objectives: education and support, send a powerful message. It serves as a reminder to those who have stepped forward that they are not alone. In his letter to Congress advocating for the permanent establishment of this day, Dellinger makes a compelling plea “that each chamber of Congress build on this momentum and use this opportunity to encourage more individuals to come forward and blow the whistle on wrongdoing.” 

Over the past decade, several key federal agencies, including the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and others, alongside the Senate, have voiced strong support for July 30 as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day. The OSC’s call for the permanent recognition of this day is a significant step forward.

Since 2013, the Senate Whistleblower Caucus, led by Senators Grassley and Wyden, has urged all federal agencies to take concrete measures to acknowledge the importance of the founders’ support for whistleblowers. The OSC is now actively implementing and advancing these resolutions, emphasizing the Senate’s initiatives and showcasing the OSC’s leadership on this issue. 

A group of whistleblowers are leading a grassroots campaign calling for a permanent National Whistleblower Day. To support the campaign, the whistleblowers have launched a GoFundMe. They also encourage whistleblower supporters to join the campaign by signing the petition and amplifying the campaign’s message on social media.

On July 30, National Whistleblower Center is hosting its annual National Whistleblower Day celebration on Capitol Hill. The event will feature speeches by whistleblowers, advocates and government officials, including Senators Grassley and Wyden.

For more information on National Whistleblower Day visit: https://whistleblowersblog.org/nwd/ 

Further Reading:

Senators Grassley and Wyden to Speak at National Whistleblower Day Celebration

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