FBI Whistleblower Calls Other to Join in Thanking “Whistleblower Champion” Senator Grassley

FBI whistleblower and whistleblower advocate Jane Turner is asking that whistleblowers and whistleblower supporters write in personal messages of appreciation to be delivered to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

Senator Grassley, co-Chair of the Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus, will be delivering a speech at the National Whistleblower Day celebration on Capitol Hill on July 30.

“Chuck Grassley possesses the true essence of a hero,” said Turner. “He has been a stalwart advocate of whistleblowers, providing steadfast support since reintroducing a modernized and strengthened False Claims Act in 1986.”

“He is a leader in fashioning bipartisan political groundwork, allowing the passage of laws and policies that affect every single whistleblower today,” Turner continued. “Known as the patron saint of whistleblowers, Senator Grassley has suffered indignities over the years from those who fight viciously to suppress truth and transparency, yet he has never wavered or abandoned his whistleblowers.”

In 1986, Senator Grassley championed reforms to the whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act. Since then the law has become America’s number one anti-fraud tool, recovering over $70 billion of taxpayer funds from fraudsters. Grassley has also championed a number of other major whistleblower laws, including the law modernizing the IRS Whistleblower Program and the law creating the AML Whistleblower Program.

Each year for the past decade, Senator Grassley, alongside Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), has introduced a Senate resolution designating July 30 as National Whistleblower Day in order to celebrate whistleblowers’ contributions to combating waste, fraud and abuse in the United States.

“The cornerstone of the United States’ government is accountability to the people it serves. Whistleblowers put their jobs and reputations on the line to uphold that bedrock principle. Our laws should empower their oversight and ensure they can come forward without fear of retribution,” said Grassley in 2023. “Protecting whistleblowers is good government, plain and simple, and that’s something we can all get behind.”

Learn more about the Charles Grassley Appreciation Campaign.

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