Advocates Push Harris and Trump to State Positions on Whistleblower Issues

President Whistleblower

On September 25, National Whistleblower Center (NWC) and a group of high-profile whistleblowers sent surveys to Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump to understand the presidential candidates’ stances on whistleblower issues.

“To make an informed decision on voting for a presidential candidate it is imperative that voters know where you stand on protecting whistleblowers,” states a letter to the candidates accompanying the survey. “Your positions on the issues identified in the enclosed survey questionnaire are critical to the whistleblower community.”

The survey asks the candidates to state whether they agree or disagree with a number of positions on key whistleblower issues, and also allow for the candidate to make further comments on whistleblower issues. 

Survey prompts include: 

“I believe that whistleblowers deserve robust legal protections.”

“I would support carefully worded legislation aimed at prohibiting corporations from silencing whistleblowers with non-disclosure agreements.”

“I support the passage of S.625, ; S. 811, S. 2500 and S. 4655, all of which are bi-partisan efforts aimed at addressing shortcomings in existing federal whistleblower programs.”

NWC notes that a 2020 Marist Poll commissioned by WNN found that 86% of likely voters support stronger protection for federal whistleblowers, while 44% of likely voters are “more likely to vote for candidates who support stronger whistleblower protections.”

NWC has set up an Action Alert allowing whistleblower supporters to write to the presidential candidates urging them to answer the survey questions.

Join NWC in Taking Action:

Urge Harris and Trump to Complete NWC’s Whistleblower Protection Survey

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